
Details on the Female Saints Print

  • Mother Teresa was a missionary who spent most of her life in India, serving the poorest of the poor.
  • St. Gianna Molla was a pediatrician, wife and mother who sacrificed her own life in order to save her baby’s life: Gianna Emanuela. Diagnosed with a tumor on her uterus, rather than have an abortion or hysterectomy, she told the doctors that her baby’s life was more important than her own. Her daughter Gianna Emanuela continues to travel the world and speak about her “Mama Saint”.
  • St. Kateri Tekakwitha was the first Native American saint to be canonized. She converted to the Catholic faith at age 19 after meeting a Jesuit priest, and committed to a life of chastity, wanting only Jesus.
  • Our Blessed Mother humbly and lovingly took care of Jesus as he grew, and continues to mother all of God’s children, interceding continually for us to Jesus.
  • Therese of Lisieux, also known as the Little Flower, became a Carmelite nun and lived the little way: doing small things, and making small sacrafices, with great love.
  • St. Agnes of Rome was a virgin martyred at the age of 12. Refusing to partake in pagan sacrifice, she was beheaded, living totally for Jesus rather than shrinking away from defending the faith or choosing a life of comfort.
  • St. Josephine Bakhita was sold into slavery many times before finally being introduced to Catholisism, gaining her freedom, and joining a religious order and becoming a Canossian Sister. She thanked God for her captors because it was through her journey of great suffering that she came to know Jesus.

Details on the Blessed Solanus Casey Print

  • Fr. Solanus Casey is a local, recent saint to the St. Croix Valley area where he was baptized, celebrated his first Holy Communion, and Confirmed. He worked as a lumberjack, hospital orderly, state prison guard, and trolley street car operator before discerning the call to priesthood. He studied seminary in Milwauke, WI, but struggled in his academic studies that he needed if he was to become a diocesan priest. Following our Blessed Mother’s prompting to “go to Detroit”, he became a Capuchin Friar instead, receiving the name Solanus.. He served two decades as a brother in New York before being transferred to Detroit where he became a porter, welcoming anyone and everyone who came to the door. He conducted services and was considered a healer and gifted spiritual counselor. He helped to found the soup kitchen to provide food for the poor and hungry during the Great Depression. He was a beekeeper, violinist, and man of great simplicity and compassion. He died in 1957 from skin deterioration. He thanked God for his suffering which he offered up for the world. “Thank God ahead of time” and “Blessed be God in all His designs” are just a couple of his mottos he is remembered by.Mother Teresa was a missionary who spent most of her life in India, serving the poorest of the poor.